
Friday, 5 February 2010

What has kept me for so long...

Many months have gone by without my usual baking routine - all due to a bun in the oven - pardon the pun..;-)
Only a few days after my last post in May 2009 I found out that I was pregnant. And despite having planned this whole endeavour, the sheer enormity of the fact still hit me over the head, leaving me happy, a little worried, and more than just a little confused. After the initial whirlwind of emotions was over, I frantically started organising some pregnancy-related things, we moved houses, and I worked like mad as long as I still could - not quite the quiet pregnancy that one might imagine.
Once Christmas came round, however, I was definitely ready to put up my feet and enjoy a few weeks of rest with my parents visiting, everyone eagerly awaiting the new family member. Now it's already three weeks to the day that little Sophia arrived in our lives - and again, I ask myself where all the time has gone..;-) Yesterday, I managed to bake some bread for the first time since the birth - I really missed that - but I have a feeling that for a while, my camera will be mainly used to capture Sophia's smile...


Anna said...

She is such a sweeeeeeeeeeet little baby. *sigh*

Y said...

Hooray and congratulations! She's beautiful :)

Eva said...

Thanks for stopping by, guys! And I fully agree with you - it's just unbelievable how much one can love such a tiny human being..-)

Zarah Maria said...

Congrats Eva! I know exactly where you are right now, only Charlie arrived almost 4 months ago, and I still haven't managed to put up a post. Am taking lots of photos though, but the ones of food are few and far between ;) One of these days...

Eva said...

That's what I'm telling myself, too, but who am I kidding..;-) I really wonder how those other bloggers with kids do it??

Aparna Balasubramanian said...

Congratulations Eva! She's so beautiful.
You're going to be quite busy for a while now, but you will not mind (well, you will sometimes!) it much.
Enjoy being a parent and take care.

Eva said...

Thank you Aparna! Indeed, I'm quite busy but in a wonderful way!

Petra aka Cascabel said...

Hui, jetzt erst gesehen! Herzlichen Glückwunsch und alles Gute für Sophia und ihre Mutter :-)

Eva said...

Dankeschoen! Nun ist sie schon zwei Monate auf der Welt und manchmal schau ich sie immer noch so voller Staunen an wie am ersten Tag..;-)

Anh said...

Evaaaaaaaaaa!! Congratulations to you my dear!!

Where are you now? Still in Sydney?

Eva said...

Thank you, Anh! Yes, I'm still living in Sydney and we'll probably stay for another couple of years but who knows..;-)

ostwestwind said...

Besser spät als nie, auch von mir herzliche Glückwünsche zur Geburt von Sophia.

Es ist unfassbar, wie schnell die Kinder doch wachsen, genieße die Zeit des Aufwachsens, im Rückblick ging das viel zu schnell für mich

Ulrike @Küchenlatein

Cookie baker Lynn said...

Congratulations, Eva! Your work always astounds me, but I think that's the most beautiful thing you've made yet!

Eva said...

Dankeschoen, Ulrike! Ich kann's schon jetzt kaum glauben, wie schnell sie waechst.

Thank you, Lynn, I think so, too..;-)

Trolleira said...

Gratulation auch von der anderen Seite der Welt! Wenn auch etwas verspätet, aber besser als nie!
So eine Süsse! Tja, da werden wir wohl nicht konkurieren können und auf die nächsten Blogeinträge warten müssen - aber vielleicht hälts Du uns ja auf dem Laufenden, wie die Kleine wächst!

Liebe Grüsse aus Brasilien,

The Food Addicts said...

Congrats and welcome back!!

sunstone_maria said...

I stopped by here while searching for a plum cake. Found it here and can't say more - please keep posting again!

Congratulations! Sophia is so beautiful!

I also have a three year old twin daughter - Sophia!