
Friday, 7 November 2008

Time to change...finally

Had it not been for Nora's comment, I would have promptly forgotten about this blog's third birthday - it does seem to be some sort of recurring theme... Especially when yesterday's post would have been quite suitable to double as anniversary post....ah, never mind!

Being time-poor as usual, any culinary adventure fit for an anniversary was out of the question, so I decided to finally do something about the long-planned make-over of this blog. Yes, that's right, it was planned for a long time with designing new headers, fighting with the template, trying to understand Html and CSS (still not much of an advance in that respect) and all the cursing that comes with it. However, I didn't really like any of my earlier attempts. The day-long shooting for the perfect new header photo somehow never came - and the project was abandoned - shame on me...

So, on a whim, I decided to turn yesterday's cheeseckae photo into my new header and played around with the new blogger-template (luckily it worked out this time). There are still a few odds and ends to fix up - haven't figured out how to change my column width or how to convert to three columns and many more things like that.

However, this blog got new clothes to start afresh into its third year! Feel invited to come along with me and please tell me what you think of the new look!


Anh said...

congrats, Eva! I think you really have the perfect header! I love it.

Eva said...

Thanks so much, Anh, I've been dying to get feedback!
I can hardly leave the whole thing alone, there's always something more to clean up...

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Great! That new banner looks really beautiful!



MyKitchenInHalfCups said...

Well, I like it very much thank you!!
Fascinating what you can do! Sometimes it's just right there for you.
And how fun to take the photo of yesterday to wave good-bye to! Excellent!

Cookie baker Lynn said...

I love your new header. It's lovely and welcoming, just the way I feel about your blog.

Nora B. said...

The new header is so luscious! I feel as though I can just reach out and have some of that cheesecake. And I love that deep, passionate red background as well. Overall I think it's elegant and professional :-)

Happy 2nd Blog-Anniversary and here's to another year!

cheers, nora

Eva said...

Thank you, Rosa, I'm glad to hear that!

Thanks, Lynn! I guess it's mainly because I decided to get finally done with it..;-) Otherwise this project would have dragged on even longer...

Thank you, Lynn, I'm aware that I'm not nearly posting often enough to deserve your comment (especially recently...) but I'm very happy that all's not lost yet!

Thank you, Nora, I'm so happy about your support - without it, I wouldn't even celebrate this anniversary!

Aparna Balasubramanian said...

First of all, let me wish you a Happy Blog Anniversary and many more posts to come.
I really liked your header. Looks beautiful.

Zarah Maria said...

Very pretty, Eva! I'm thinking I need to do a re-vamp myself, using some of all the new Blogger features...

Coffee and Vanilla said...

Congratulations Eva, I hope for many more years to come with your delicious recipes and beautiful photographs! :)

Enjoy your day, Margot

Eva said...

Thank you, Aparna, I hope I'll be posting a bit more frequently in the next few months...

Thanks, Zarah Maria! It was about time for me to finally make the jump - the new labels are so much better.

Thank you, Margot! I'm currently trying to advance a bit more in my photography so I hope for the best!

Elle said...

Happy Blog the new header!

Y said...

Happy Blog Anniversary! I love the new look - that photo is absolutely gorgeous!! And I'm so happy I can finally subscribe to your posts .. for some odd reason, it never did work for me before!

Katie said...

Wow 3 years - happy bloganniversary. I adore your new header. The photo of your cheesecake is aboslutely fantastic

Y said...

Happy Blog Birthday, Eva! I thought I had already commented on this and another post, but it seems to have disappeared! Anyway, love the new look, and that cheesecake photo is utterly amazing!

Unknown said...

I love the new look of the site... came to look for biscotti recipe, he he...


Eva said...

Dear all, thanks for the lovely comments! Will be back soon...

Mrs Ergül said...

I havent seen the old header but this new one rocks! I'm so impressed when I first clicked on your site and saw the stunning photo with the read background! it is gorgeous!