Monday, 17 November 2008

CU soon!

I'm going on a short trip and - of course - didn't manage to put up a new post before that. However, I've got already something lined up for you. Can you guess what it is about..;-)


  1. Love short times - even as much as long ones. They seem to serve totally different needs.
    Guess what it is . . . looks like a pecan.

  2. Hmm, what a tantalizing photo. I'm clueless, but excited to find out what it is.

  3. Anonymous7:40 pm

    hmmm, looks kind of baked, perhaps a baba or something bundt-pan related.. but I think I see salt flakes? I am stumped! will have to check back and find out :)

  4. Tanna, you're pretty close!

    Yes, Aparna, I thought it was about time for that...

    Thanks, Lynn, meanwhile I've got already two recipes with the same ingredient waiting to be turned into a blogpost - but after a visit from my in-laws I'm swamped with work...

    No, you're not even close, Zoe..;-) But I hope you'll check back again later!

  5. Gosh Eva, that's the longest short trip ever! ;)

  6. Ok, you got me, Y..;-) Truth is, apart from our trip, the visit of my in-laws was quite time-consuming (but well worth it) and after that, I had to seriously catch up on my work... But I should stop whinging and promise to post several (!) times before Christmas. Now you got me again, I'm committed..;-)
